It really is!!

Last weekend was General Conference for our Church,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where we get to listen to Apostles and our Prophet speak to us. And it was a great weekend! Wonderful talks! But I'm not going to lie the best part was that Allison and John came and spent the weekend with us. It's the first time that Alan had a son to take to the Priesthood session, I know that meant a great deal to Alan, but they also met up with my Father, so it was a Grandfather, Dad, and Son all in the Priesthood session together and then they went to Grandpa's for ice cream afterwards!!

Alan had to work Saturday, he has never had to work Saturday before, but its getting to be that time of year (retail wise) and he was scheduled for this particular Saturday. We didn't even think about it because it had never happened before, but now we know if we have something big going on....Alan is going to need to check the store's schedule and make them aware that he can't be there that day. But because Alan had to work and didn't get to watch Saturday's conference sessions with us Allison, Aileen, John and I all met up with Alan right when he got off work and went to Chili's for dinner so they could be done in time to get to Priesthood!!
Allison and I went home and tried to figure out why my Maytag that I bought January 2011 won't spin.....yes very frustrating!! We were able to get it to work enough that she could at least get her wash done that she brought to do while they were here visiting. We watched a DVD waiting for the boys and then you know what we did if you know us at all.....We all played cards.
Sunday we watched General Conference and in between sessions Dad and Barbara came for dinner so we were all able to visit and grandparents got to see Allison and John while they were here. I thought when the last session of conference was done they would need to head back to Tyler.....but to my surprise and utter delight, they said they were staying over because Monday was Columbus Day holiday and John's school was closed!! We got to have them a little longer - Fabulous!!
We missed Anne Marie like crazy and wish so badly that she lived closer because then it really would have been the perfect weekend.
This week, more crazy things have been happening, our air conditioner in our new car stopped kindle broke and cannot be fixed. And I worried that I had killed my new laptop, luckily not....but you can see where I might be a little stressed and the worse is that I have some big time Dental work that needs to be taken care off right away, because I have been walking around in the most severe pain I have ever felt in my life in my mouth. It feels like my jaw is constantly throbbing which in turn has made me have a constant headache.....and just a little on think??? But I'm having to wait for payday and even then scared to death of how much its going to cost, because even though Alan is working again we still haven't qualified for insurance at this time!!
But on the positive side....I have been working on my granddaughter's Christmas sock! And it is turning out so beautiful!!
Allison's 24th birthday was Friday!! I can't believe my baby girl is that old and having her own baby....but she is!! Marianne Rex, John's mom came to spend the week with them and celebrate Allison's birthday which I think is wonderful and as I have heard from Allison a couple of times and of course I called her on her birthday - they are having a great time and visit!!
On Friday, my sister, Elizabeth had a friend "T" that she use to work with (so did Alan and Dad) that had a baby girl at the same time of year season-wise that Allison will be having her baby and as the baby is now 4 and she has not had any more babies, she decided to have a Garage sale of baby stuff, so Marianne and Allison drove to Rowlett to Elizabeth's and then they all went to McKinney to this persons home to check out the stuff and I guess it was like going to an up scale baby store. So many cute, cute outfits and Marianne was heard to comment that they couldn't be used baby clothes because they looked too brand new.....and Allison got a baby swing that swings both ways -- I really could put in a funny joke right here but I won't. But I guess it swings front and back or side to side and I guess if you are unlucky enough that your baby has acid reflux, you will be grateful to have the swing that can swing side to side!! (Marianne told Allison that all her babies had acid reflux, I think that was what sold her on it lol!!)
But the really neat story about this trip, is that when "T" had her baby, my Mom gave "T" the cutest baby outfit as a gift and when Allison came to the Garage sale, she had it all saved out and told her that Allison's Grandmother had given her this beautiful outfit for her baby and that it meant so much to her that her Grandma would do that, and that she wanted Allison to have it, so that her baby would have an outfit to wear that her Great Grandma had picked out.....well, you can imagine that Allison started crying, and it was a very special moment. Allison, told her Dad and myself about it as did Elizabeth call and tell me this story as well - so it was important to everyone I think, that Allison's baby will have something my mom picked out even though she is no longer with us!!
We are headed to Tyler to see Allison for her birthday and to get to see Marianne before she has to leave so I cannot wait to see all the loot!!