This last weekend was my Dad's wedding! John and Allison were able to come and it was fantastic having them here! We were extremely sad that Anne Marie could not take any more time off of work at the Hospital, with Allison's Wedding, Mom's Funeral, and this all in the same year......yeah, the Hospital didn't seem to understand.....well, that is a lot of time off for 1 yr! But we talked to Anne Marie and thought about her all the time and even went shopping for her to send gifts home...... so you were with us in spirit Anne Marie! We love you so very much!
So, now to the crazy things that happened before the wedding and before the kids came! Thursday was the day that we moved out the very few things that my Dad was taking with him to Barbara's. Then we scheduled the carpet cleaners to come at 9:30 am that morning after his bedroom stuff was gone so they could clean that carpet and by the afternoon have the carpets dry enough to move our bedroom furniture into the Master Bedroom (Thanks Chem-dry). And then move some of our stuff out of storage and other places upstairs so there would be a guest room for Allison and John to sleep in while they were here!
There was also the taking all the utilities and dishnet etc... out of my Dad's name and putting them in our names and the switching of beds in 3 different houses and the swapping out of a refrigerator! Plus all the cleaning and I mean deep cleaning that goes along with that. As if that wasn't enough to worry about....... We have bees inside the siding on the back of the house where the air conditioner unit is hooked up into the house. We had arranged for the bee keeper to come before the wedding but had to have a contractor there to take the siding off the house when the bee keeper comes to do this. Well, our Contractor couldn't come before the wedding because of Boy Scout Camp, so we had planned it for the next Tuesday, which was a couple of days after the wedding.......and since we really only saw a couple of bees inside the house every once and awhile that should have been fine.
The Dish Network guys came to hook up our new stuff and had a great fear of the bees and sprayed 3 cans of wasp spray into the hole that the air conditioner wire goes into the house (inside the siding) and this did nothing to get the bees out of their way....but totally made the bees so made that we had hundreds of bees in our home -- and I do not exaggerate when I say hundreds (I can't believe I didn't take a picture)and they still couldn't hook us up until they got someone that wasn't afraid of bees and that person just went up the ladder and threaded whatever wiring needed to be threaded and slick as a whistle hooked us up and the bees never bothered him a minute....
Here I am the night before John and Allison are suppose to come and not only am I trying to move furniture and my father and deep clean....but now I have bees all over and every morning when we woke up hundreds of dead bees everywhere! I was stung, Alan was stung, and my nephew Jimmie who is staying with us right now got stung! And I really wanted this time that my son-in-law came to be a normal visit....ha-ha!
Luckily the night that the kids came and stayed upstairs in the guest room, we only had 50 bees on the floor in the morning and Allison and John didn't see any upstairs! It was just us in the master bedroom that had that joy!!!!
Then the day before they came the washing machine broke down. And the truck was already gone so we couldn't get ours out of the storage and Alan didn't really want to be moving the washer and dryer out of the room when that was the room that all of the bees were coming in from so I have been going to the Laundromat or doing without the whole wedding weekend and with company to boot!
So Tuesday morning the contractor and the bee keeper came to take care of the bees and siding etc... and they cut through our air conditioner Freon line - REALLY? are you kidding me? And our phone with our new phone number was suppose to be all set up with our Internet on Friday the 18th, but because of them not being able to move my Dad's phone number because Barb's lines are too old and a big dog in the neighbors yard where the telephone poll is - they didn't move my Dad's number and we didn't get our phone and Internet service until yesterday.... whew!
But it was a great weekend. John and Allison are good sports.....we just had to laugh at all the craziness and John told me "I always have a great time when I come to visit" So I guess that is good even though he has never seen me "normal" and our life in "normal mode" we always seem to have some kind of craziness going on.