Cute Story! For anyone that doesn't think Aileen knows exactly what is going on.....this one is for you!!!
Two Sunday's ago, Aileen was loud. So loud I had to take her out of Sacrament meeting. As soon as we sit on the couch in the lobby she is content! Happy to just sit right there the whole meeting. I will not let her do that. I always talk to her about how we need to be in the meeting and that that is where Heavenly Father wants her to be etc... Then I take her back in and "warn" her that she needs to behave and be quiet for Heavenly Father and Jesus! And as in the case of most 3 or 4 yr olds (the age that Aileen is developmentally), sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. We made it through Sacrament meeting without too much more trouble.
Then it was time for my Gospel Doctrine Sunday School lesson. My Dad and Barbara usually help with Aileen during this time (Aileen's Grandpa and Grandma Clay) and really from the beginning of the class Aileen was out of control, so Grandma took her out. When class was over she brought Aileen back to me and said, "We had a nice stroll around the building. We stopped at the nursery and visited with Aunt Tootie. Then we sat in the lobby and I showed her pictures out of my Gospel Principles manual and she listened and watched. She was really very good."
I said, "Of course she was. She is always happy when she doesn't have to sit in the meeting. She loves sitting in the lobby!" So, I looked at Aileen and said, "We need to go into Relief Society now, and you need to be still in class and not be disruptive, because we are not going to sit out in the lobby!!!"
As I was saying all of this to her in a very firm, but loving way, Aileen grabbed Grandma's hand and started walking away. She was going with Grandma and did not want to have anything to do with me! I just started laughing. Grandma was surprised and looked back at me and said, "She just grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from you!" To which I laughed and said, "I'm sure she did. She is telling me, she is just going to be with Grandma!" She did not want to have anything to do with me! Too funny!
Yes, she is a normal child!