Friday, April 3, 2009

Did I really say....

Did I really say that I wanted one of my girls to get married???? Was I crazy or on drugs? Wow, I cannot stop thinking about all the bazillion details we have to worry about and I drove right past work this morning! I need help........ Do you think it is too late to tell her not to get married? And what makes it worse is if it was my wedding I could make decisions and move forward...but it's not so I'm tied to her time table that....can I tell you is not my time table! Funny! Who knew?


Kim said...

It IS hard when things don't go according to your time table or if it feels like you have no control. A lot of couples now a days want to plan their own wedding. Maybe you should just ask what she wants you to do if anything from the Texas end of things. Just know that it will all work out in the end and will be just lovely.

Wonder Woman said...

Kim's got a good thought there. Maybe you could do all of the Texas reception? A few preferences from her, and you take care of the details? That was the plan when I was going to marry a guy from Seattle -- his mom was going to take care of the reception there.

Good luck. I know that there is so much to do, and it's stressful, and fun. Just remind Allison that this is just how you are, and it's coming from a place of love.

Now, know that this is coming from a place of love, too: You are probably going to have to back off. A lot. I know it's gonna make you crazy. That there's a million things to do and so much that you can (and want!) to help with. But right now, Allison probably thinks she's got it all under control. She knows exactly what she wants, and feels like you're putting too much pressure on her.

My honest suggestion is to wait till she asks you for help. You can ask how things are going in general, but too many questions will feel like nagging/pushing. It's difficult planning when you're in two separate places, and you'll probably feel a little out of the loop. But it's not intentional.

I may be completely off on all of this. Just pulling from my own experience, and that of friends. And it's very possible that you're doing this already, and just venting some of your frustration. I'm just trying to offer some unsolicited advice. :o) You know I love you, right?!

Good luck with all of this.

Lois Brown said...

Thanks Kim and wonder woman....good advice all of it! Yes I know you love me and it was all said to help. And i'm positive it came off as nagging!

I have backed off and in fact have sworn not to talk about the wedding unless she brings it up at last until the 18th when she will not be so stressed with school work! If I do I owe her a new pair of shoes!

I know it will all work out. It usally does. I got the Twilight movie to watch and a new book to read and of course there is conference ths weekend so that I will have other things to think and worry about!

Thanks all!!!!!

Wonder Woman said...

Whew. Sounds like you've got everything under control. And I hadn't thought about the time of the school year it was. I'll bet she's pretty stressed with finals and papers right now. It's wise to not worry about the wedding right now. You'll both do much better when school craziness is over.

I hope it's nothing too serious with her ankle! Kinda scary, but nice to to know that John's there and more than capable. And wasn't conference great?! I learned some important things.

newsinaminute said...

congrats on the wedding--seems like yesterday--it was you--I loved that you let me borrow YOUR wedding dress --I felt like a princess--they don't come any better than you --it will all come off beautifully--I've been though it 3 times now--and loved each and every one -although all very different in the celebration---the main thing is the sealing and after that every thing else is icing on the cake-- (: Lynda

Lois Brown said...

Thanks Lynda...I remember it as well! It seems like just yesterday it was us!!!! good memories!