Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Morning 2013

This year was quite different!  I don't think it has ever been just the 3 of us (Alan, Lois, and Aileen) but it was.....not sure I liked it!!  But next year will be my year again to have everyone so I will look forward to that!  And I am so grateful that we have Aileen to keep us loving and enjoying the holidays!  Thanks Aileen!!

Barbara's family tradition is to get together on Christmas day for opening presents and Christmas I went over to Aunt Beverly's and brought gifts for my niece and nephew, Emmy and Landin.

It was a really festive and fun day!  And it ended with going to see a movie "Grudge Match" which was a fun movie.....I wonder how many different ways Sylvester Stallone can make a boxing movie.....a whole lot evidently!!  But it was an entertaining movie to see.

I then proceeded in the next day or so to get sick.....not fun!  Then Aileen got very sick, really not fun!!  Hopefully we are all on the mend now! But the cough takes a long time to go away!!  Super not fun!!

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