For 2 weeks the Doctor's office I work for has looked like this. The Doctor has been on vacation and I have had to be in the office all day to answer phones! I have gotten caught up on my reading.....but I will say I am ready for us to be busy again. And believe me we will be after having had to make patients wait for this week!
I also started feeling achy and had a sore throat and acting like I was coming down with a cold and not just my allergies as I had assumed, and since everyone is so worried about this flu thing going around I asked someone to substitute for me in Primary on Sunday and stayed in bed and slept and tried to get better. I still have the allergy stuff going on, but no longer feel achy and head achy that is a relief!
And Alan and Allison should be driving up to our home at any moment! I can hardly stand it!!!!!!
Thank goodness it's not the swine flu! Get well soon so you can enjoy your family!
I hope they made it home safely and I'm glad you are feeling better.
You can get sick IN a doctor's office?????? Even without sick people there? What's up with that! Sounds like you need a vacation. :)
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