Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon, the homeless, and other stuff.....

I loved it. Thought it was better than Twilight, although I loved Twilight too. This 2nd book was the hardest for me to get through, but I thought the movie covered all the important stuff and got through it much now I'm ready for the next movie!!!!! Yay!

Saturday was our yearly visit from a case worker for the Judge that gave us legal guardianship 0f Aileen. Yes, every year they have to come and inspect our home, Aileen, and her living space to make sure that we are taking good care of her! We passed. And the case worker loved seeing the pictures of Aileen as a bridesmaid so that was really fun. It's always such a hassle to get ready for, and always a relief to have it over with until next year!!!! Crazy isn't it!

Alan had an interesting experience last weekend with homeless people so I thought I would share the experience. Alan wondered what Heavenly Father wanted him to learn from these two such different experiences so close together.

Last Saturday after the Temple we were all starved of course and Aileen most of all so we stopped at McDonalds and got everyone some food. While we were handing it out and trying to get everything situated for the trip back a homeless man came and asked if we could help him. We had NO change so we told him that we would love to but sorry we didn't have any change..... and he said, "You don't even have a quarter" and we said sorry we really don't....but Alan offered him his drink and he said, "No, I need something to eat" and so then Alan said, "Well, I have a hamburger I'll be happy to give you and he said, no, no" ...and walked off exasperated. We then watched him ask another woman, who went and got change and gave him a $5.00 bill but then he asked her if she had any change as well and actually hounded her for more and followed her to her car for her to dig some change up. We watched because we were worried for the lady. But after she gave him more change he left her alone. We were kind of shocked that he would be so bold and brazened about wanting more after she had already given him $5.00.

Then last Monday, Alan came to my office for lunch and picked up my paychecks to deposit in the bank for me and noticed he had a flat tire. So he went across the street to put air in his tire and a homeless man came up to him and said "you look like you need some help, can I help you change your tire" Alan said, he was just going to put air in the tire, but that he needed to go get change so he could do it and the homeless man said "Here, I might have a quarter let me see so you can get air without having to go get change". He didn't have it, so Alan offered to buy him a sandwich, because he was going to buy a sandwich for himself and get some change.....but the homeless man said, "No, I've eaten, I just really want to help you" So Dad got the change and the man filled his tires with air and Thanked Dad for letting him do service for him. Dad of course insisted on giving him money and he finally did take it....but he really did just want to do a service for someone!

Very interesting for our family to reflect on. some of the thoughts that came to me while pondering these experience was is a man that is really down on his luck for whatever reason and yet still chooses to give Christ-like service....when really he could feel picked on and dejected he didn't he gave service and was happy to do so...... so one lesson I thought of, was how horrible it would be for us who have so much to complain and feel sorry for ones self and not to be happy to give service to others.

2nd..... with the 1st man with our shock at his asking for more and not being grateful for what was given him. It made me wonder how many times Heavenly Father must be shocked that we keep asking and asking and asking for more blessings instead of showing gratitude for the ones he has blessed us with already!

Anyway those are some of the thoughts I had. It would be interesting to hear what you all think......

1 comment:

Ashley said...

wow, neat story and perspective.