Friday, May 7, 2010

Lets get moving

I know, I can hardly believe it, but its true! We are buying a home. With my Dad getting married and moving in with his fiance', he wants to sell his house. So we are buying it and will close next Friday! (at least that's the forecast)

It finally seems real and I have been a little teary all day and wondered why and now I think I know why! It has been a long time since we have owned a home and had all of our own stuff, and able to decorate etc. as we would like to! I feel incredibly blessed and so grateful to my Heavenly Father for helping something to happen that I had basically given up on - owning a home!

3 things happened:

1) Dad is getting married and needed to sell or rent the home. He asked us if we wanted to buy or rent he would be happy to do either. He just wanted out the the home fast (June 19 when he gets married) So I called his guy that helped Dad get this home originally and we are going to do a sale by owner deal!

2) Because we have been living in the home we have to have far less to put down on the home to be able to purchase it! That was a big plus! And because we have been working so hard to get and stay out of debt (even though I was worried) there were no worries with our credit report! Whoohoo!

3) Whatever the reasons may be, we have lived in this home for a long time out of the loving generosity of my parents and now that the market is a buyers market and not a sellers market, Alan and I both felt that we owed it to Dad for him to be able to get exactly the price he wanted to get out of it.....instead of someone trying to haggle him down because they can......and right now they could!

Bonus - we both get to buy and sell a house with very little disruption.....except getting all of Dad's stuff out and all of mine in!!! lol!

We will be putting in new carpet and some flooring in the kitchen. Because of hail damage we are getting a new roof! And once the siding by the Chimney that has rotted gets fixed.... I will be the happiest girl in the whole USA! Dad and I have been doing this as if anyone was buying and selling a home.....not that its my Dad selling or his daughter buying it!

So today it finally feels real! And I hope I haven't jinxed it by saying all this.....this is why I have kept it all under my hat until now....but I can't stand it anymore! Lets get MOVING!!!!


Unknown said...

Lois, That is GREAT!!! Congratulations!!! Please post before and after pictures of your remodeling!

Ashley said...

yeehaw! congrats!

Anne Marie's Blog said...

How wonderful! Plus, I can get my own stuff out of your storage unit *crosses fingers that it is all actually there*

I'm so happy for you! We need to plan a time where Ally-boo and I can come down and help you paint or whatever. :)

Ramona Zabriskie said...

Lois! How wonderful! We have been going through the ringer on getting a place in London -- very very stressful and unsettling. It's interesting how important a "home" is to us women! Hurray! Hurray! I love you so and appreciate you trying to leave a comment! I can't tell you why you seem to be the only one -- since others' comments are showing up fine. Strrrrraaaaannnnnge....if you send me a comment by email, I will post it for you! I LOVE YOU!