I have made the gifts that I will give to my Family (siblings, parents etc.) on Christmas eve as we hold our traditional family celebration on Christmas eve. And I will cook the traditional dishes. But that's it. bahhhhhh humbug. I don't think I have ever been the Scrooge before!
A couple of other things are coming up that are exciting. On December 23, my nephew Jimmie is marrying Kristen Page in Iola, Kansas so we will be traveling to Iola and staying in Hotels for a couple of nights.....now that's my kind of holiday trip! Then we hurry back to Texas Christmas eve day to celebrate at my sister Elizabeth's home.
Allison took her Bridal portraits while she was here at Thanksgiving:

Jimmie and Kristen will be living here in Ft. Worth and have been taking the missionary discussions so that is very exciting.
Some other things that I think I have forgotten to tell that I would like to remember for my history are -
In November Alan gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. Before church started I was sitting in the audience and one of the ladies in our Ward walked by and said....."you are glowing, are you in love?" to which I said....."Absolutely to that man right up there!" Alan is my hero. And he did give an amazing talk that Sunday. Nothing like sitting in the audience and watching someone you love shine the Love of Christ and remember what a wonderful faithful priesthood holder you were lucky enough to marry!
Every year we have to have a Social Worker come for the Judge/Court who gave legal guardianship of Aileen to us when she turned 18. They come to our home and see her living space, interview us and her if she could talk to see if we are giving her every advantage that is available to her and if we are taking good care of her. She is 25 almost 26 so that means we have had to do this for 6 yrs. This year the Court representative couldn't come at a time or didn't want to come at a time that Alan and I would both be home so she went to Aileen's Day Care and visited with her there and talked to the Nurses and workers there about Aileen and if they thought she was well cared for etc... The Manager/RN answered all the questions and when asked - "do you have any concerns about Aileen's care?" she said "No, in fact I wish all our clients families were so involved in their lives." She was then asked "What do you mean?" and she said - "There is no sitting on the sidelines or hiding away, if they go somewhere or do something she is there right with them" She went on to share with the social worker, "Her sister got married and Aileen was in the line" to which the Social Worker was surprised and said, "Wow that really is amazing". To our family that is not amazing.... that is just how it is!

While John was here I was able to take a few minutes to talk to him about what the future could be for he and Allison if they ended up having to take care of Aileen after we are gone. Allison had mentioned the last time she was here that she was worried to a certain extent that since it would not be appropriate for John to bath or change diapers etc.. for Aileen like Daddy can she wondered how she would get some relief as I do, since Dad and I can take turns etc... So I took this concern seriously and have been thinking and praying on it some. Of course if she had daughters that will solve a lot of that, but if she doesn't or heaven forbid it should happen right away because something happens to me and Alan I wanted to see what John's thinking on the subject was. I know that he loves Aileen very much and considers her his sister so I didn't have any concerns about that but you know, its different to talk about it then it is to live it.
So in one of our times that we got to talk together I mentioned that Allison was worried about who would help her change diapers etc... if that day ever came. And John said, well, I might not be able to help with diapers and bathing and dressing, but I can put on shoes, pack backpacks, give medicine help her eat etc... oh, I have to say it did my heart good to hear that he had thought about it and that he really had listened to Allison when they talked about this before they got engaged etc... He really is an awesome young man. We sure love him.
A funny story that happened with our last visit with Allison and John at Thanksgiving while spending a big part of our time together visiting and playing cards and trying to beat John....which is really hard to do!!! Alan had the keeper line of the whole weekend. After a couple of nights of our Thanksgiving visit Alan said to me "Our son-in-law is brilliant!!!" to which I said "I know" and then Alan said "and good for us!!" it made me laugh. Alan is too cute!
I did go to the Denzel Washington Movie "Unstoppable" - boy was it stressful! I'm telling you it was good, but not sure I could watch it again. And it is based on a true story and I always like movies like that.
Well, I think that catches up all the things I have forgotten to blog about! I'm sure I will get in the Christmas spirit this week with the wedding and all.
Merry Christmas Everyone!