I finally had to do it no matter whether I thought I should spend the money right now or not....because after my post about Alan & I meeting 33 yrs ago on Presidents holiday, I about died. I had spent a lot of time and product on my hair and thought it looked pretty good in the mirror.....but the picture tells the real story and it is bad!!!
Friday night one of the ladies in our Ward/church had a Chocolate party! I almost wasn't going to get to go, which lately has been a theme at our house, Alan has had other meetings, things that needed to get done, that have made it so I needed to stay home and help, or take care of Aileen so he could do what he needed. Once, again when I told Alan about the party, he said, "oh, but I'm meeting a client, Friday night!" Well, I can't very well argue about a work thing especially when your husbands job is sales. So I had resigned myself to not being able to go. But he called later in the afternoon of that day and told me he had changed his appointment so I could go!! What a guy! No wonder I love him!!!
Friday, at lunch time, Mary Ann Stephens and I met Becky Wangler, one of our Visiting Teaching ladies for lunch and had a good visit and a great lunch! Becky, I hope you know how much we love you!!!
Becky Wangler with her cute grandson!
Then another one of our Visiting Teaching ladies is moving, and she has not needed any of our help but was looking for boxes etc... so we took over some boxes I had that are especially made for dishes and breakables as well as bubble wrap and left them for her to use!!! We are really going to miss her!!

Ashley Myers, I am so going to miss you, my dear friend....but I know we will get together - you still live in Texas, after all!
Friday night was the Chocolate party and we ate some yummy chocolate and dipped yummy things in the chocolate fountain and played a game that got us all laughing like crazy! Visiting with everyone on a casual basis, which we don't get to do at church was a great deal of fun. But I wonder when did it become that I was one of the 3 oldest at the party!!!! Everyone is my children's age or younger.....wow! But I don't think of myself that way, hmmm. The friend that hosted the party has a young family of 2 children, her husband is in medical school and she is the primary president! They are such a cute little family, always make me dream of Allison and John having a cute little family soon!

The Thompsons, Jared, Caitlin, and boys!
Saturday, was my hair cut and color, then Alan going with the Youth to the Temple, which is always an awesome experience! I cut Aileen's hair and she looks great for her upcoming birthday this week! 26! Who can believe that?
Sunday was church, and in Sacrament we had a Return Missionary from our Ward speak, Ryan Davila, who also happened to be one of my seminary students. He gave a wonderful talk and shared with us some of his experiences as a missionary.
Then Sunday afternoon, Aileen and I went to Callie Sullivan's 3rd birthday party. Callie is my cousin once removed and Aileen's second cousin now that Dad is married to Barbara. Diana, Aunt Beverly's daughter, and my new cousin, is a lot of fun to be around. I have really enjoyed getting to know her and her husband Logan, and their girls are so cute!!! We just found out that Diana will be graduating from nursing school Valedictorian, we think, final scores and announcement has not been made yet, but how very cool! That is something to look forward to soon!
Aileen, Lois, Landin, and Grandpa - it was so windy!!!! And I'm from Kansas so that is really saying something!
It was also Aunt Beverly's 60th Birthday Sunday! And she didn't want a fuss, but she did have a Tiara with the number 60 on it that she wore throughout the party!
Barbara, Aunt Beverly, Aunt Tootie (the sisters)
Then for me the best part of the night was getting set up with my popcorn with butter and Diet coke to watch the Oscars! I am such a movie buff and I love watching my favorite actors and actress and seeing what they are wearing etc... Every year I say I'm going to host an Oscars party. I'm going to make it my goal next year....so we shall see!!!
Unfortunately, so many of the movies I cannot see because of "R" ratings. But I do have actors that I have liked for many years that I can still cheer for because they are just good at their craft! I was really pleased with Colin Firth and Natalie Portman. So happy for Christain Bale to finally be recognized....everybody is saying he forgot his wife's name, but he was getting emotional when he was trying to thank them, I think, that's why he said, "I didn't think I would do this...." I thought the stage was beautiful and I don't care what anyone says, I thought Anne Hathaway and James Franco did a great job hosting. Loved all the skits! It was a good night for a movie lover like me!!!
So, now it's back to reality and work!!!