Last week (2/1/11) was crazy!!! I really thought that since we had snow and ice last winter we would not have it this year....because in Texas it never happens two years in a row! Well, I was wrong. The other thing is I have a hard time believing Weather people when they give all these dramatic forecasts because when I was growing up they were as often wrong as they were right. But I guess equipment and science have changed a lot and I need to learn that they are almost always right now!
We woke up Tuesday morning to a horrible ice storm and all the schools closed. When Ft. Worth ISD closes, Aileen's Adult Day Care closes as well. So I kind of enjoyed the day thinking Wednesday everything will get back to normal. I did some unpacking of boxes (yes, still unpacking and moving in, its been a slow process) I found some of my old High School friends on Facebook and one had our Sr. Variety Show on cassette and digitalized it and then put it on facebook. It was fun to listen to and decide who was singing what and it brought back a lot of sweet memories from High School. I remembered I had pictures of the show, so I scanned and put them up on FB to which we all had a good laugh, and yet back then we thought we were so awesome!!! Aileen seemed to enjoy the day with me, so all was well. About 8:00 pm that night I got a UTI and I went to the Care Now website for web check-in and because of the weather found out they closed at 7:00 pm and were not going to open again until 10:00 am the next morning. So, I thought, "I hope I can make it through the night"! At about 10:30 pm I realized I was not going to be able to. So I called the on-call doctor and asked if he could call me in a Rx to which he said he would love to if I knew of any pharmacy that was open. Even the 24 hr pharmacy was closed!!!! So he told me some OTC stuff to buy and said I hope that will get you through the night until you can call your own doctor in the morning and a pharmacy opens.
Weather still bad on Wednesday, get the Doctor called and our power goes out and goes out for all day!!! We have a fireplace, but still it could only do so much. I did get medicine finally and Aileen and I snuggled in bed watching t.v. under mounds of covers etc... to stay warm. Finally when it started getting dark again about 5:30 pm we realized that it would be too cold to stay so we went to to my Dad and Barbara's to spend the evening and probably the night.
In the middle of the night all of sudden I wake up to Aileen throwing up! Really? Are you kidding me? All over Dad and Barbara's new couch they just got when they got married. So I'm hurrying around getting Aileen in the bathroom, cleaning up the mess and making sure I clean very well the couch. I wake up Alan and say we have got to go home, this is at 3:00 am. We go home and luckily the electricity is back on. So we get everyone settled in and Aileen continues to have a rough night of throwing up until about 11:00 am Thursday.
Thursday, is spent holding a very sick little girl and trying not to cry as I watch huge crocodile tears run down her face as she is throwing up! Just about breaks my heart. Glad when she can finally get some rest and seems to be past the rough part!!! Then I'm washing, washing, and washing the bedding and blankets not only from my house but from Barbara's home too. By the time Alan gets home I'm beat and ready for him to take over a little, which he does and does without complaint.
Friday, still schools are closed so I'm still home with Aileen. Finish up washing and unpacking and just trying to get the house back in order. But thank goodness we still have electricity and our water pipes are holding up fine (knock on wood)!
Saturday you are starting to feel like you can drive around without too much trouble so errands are ran, groceries re-stocked, Alan has church meetings to go to and we both have a meeting Saturday night for Stake Conference! It was a great adult meeting and thanks to Katie Butler for watching Aileen for us so Alan and I can enjoy the time together.
Sunday, is stake Conference and it was awesome! We were able to listen to the Prophet talk about rescuing the inactives in our Wards.
Then we went home and started watching all the pre-pre-pre Super Bowl programs and getting excited about game! I like all the background stories as much as the actual game. And truly love that Greenbay Packers won!!! Yay! Of course we had super bowl goodies to make the day extra fun! Aileen sat with us and we all watched it together! She loves sports!
And just when things got back to normal - this week on Wednesday (2/9) we have horrible ice and sleet and snow and schools are closed again!!! But this time it is like the Texas we know and love by today (Thurs) its all gone!!!!
Whewww! I'm beat! But as always we have been very blessed and life is good!
Funny story: When we moved to Atlanta Jan. 2000, the Super Bowl was to be held in Atlanta that year. The week of the Super Bowl a horrible ice storm came through and shut down all the pre-super bowl activities and people had trouble flying in or going out and doing things. And now we live in Ft. Worth, and the week of the Super Bowl a horrible ice storm comes in and shuts down all the pre-super bowl activities and people have trouble flying in or going out once they get here!!! I told Alan, I don't think we are suppose to live where a Super Bowl is being held. We seem to be bad luck!!!
I’m Still Here. Hello?
5 years ago
1 comment:
OMGoodness...what a week!! Glad you made it through. CRAZY weather.
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