Friday, January 25, 2013

Monday January 21st was a special day.....

Now, you might think that Monday the 21st was a special day for many reasons....1) Barbara's Birthday, 2) Martin Luther King Day, 3) Presidential Inauguration 4) Usually a day off from work.... but you'd be wrong!!!  It's a special day because my very first grandchild Charlotte Elizabeth Rex was born!!  7 lbs. 3 ozs. and 19 inches long and the most beautiful baby you have ever seen in your life!!  I was so wowed by my daughter's strength and my son-in-law's attention and care and now I am a GRANDMOTHER!!

Words cannot express the feelings I have inside of me when I look at my daughter and then hold my granddaughter and hug my son-in-law.....I just don't know where to begin except to Thank my Heavenly Father for this wondrous blessing that has been given and entrusted into our lives!!  And thankfulness to my daughter and son-in-law for being extraordinary people and having an extraordinary marriage so that I know that Charlotte is one of the luckiest/blessed babies on the earth to be given them for parents!!

It was a really special day!!!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Wow, what a perfect day! You are so right - John and Allison are pretty incredible. I have no doubt they will be amazing parents too! Charlotte truly is a lucky girl.

Congrats again!