A very amazing family in our ward has had a difficult time just recently with their son who I believe is only 3, he was in a horrible accident and has a crushed femur and is in a body cast for at least 6 weeks. You can imagine what this sweet family, especially the mother is having to go through in trying to care for her sweet boy as well as her baby and older son. She is an excellent mother and is an amazing friend who I have loved getting to know. Because I know this family loves Boston Market my favorite place to go to take dinners to others.....I took a Boston Market family meal over to them last Monday, and found out it was probably the perfect day for them not to have had to worry about dinner as they had 2 Doctors visits that day and other appointments involving the accident. I'm also glad that when she was stressed out on another day (which she very rarely complains so if she is stressed you know its been a bad day) I was able to call her up and take her away for awhile and go to a movie....a comedy so we could talk and laugh and have a few minutes for herself!!
Caitlin and I ready to hit the movies!! |
I brought Jace and Cole Star Wars Light Sabers to play with.
I knew Jace was getting gifts for obvious reasons as he needs
to be entertained while he can't do and go places but I thought
Cole would like to be remembered too.....they seemed to love them!! |
Here's how cheerful and happy Jace is even during
this hard time. |
This woman is willing to help and serve and does so much for others without even a thought i.e. helping me with my daughter's baby shower and it was an amazing shower, and she doesn't even know my daughter, in our church always signing up to help others and always doing nice things for her friends......I was so happy to get to do something unexpected for her!! Hang in there Caitlin, I know you can do it!!
Her beautiful children
Her and her husband! They really are just the cutest family and I am
so honored to call her/them my friends!! |
P.S. I may have said amazing too many times in this post....but it really is the correct word for this family and mother!!
Here is a really sweet note I got from Caitlin I would like to keep in my personal history....so no one else needs to read this but I want a record of it. Thank you Caitlin and Jared. I am humbled!
Caitlin said:
"Jared said to me "you know what I like about Lois Brown? She doesn't say "let me know what I can do to help", she just does something to help". He said it reminded him of that conference talk that said saying call me if I can help is really no help at all. So thank you again for just helping. It is so greatly appreciated. Love you
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