Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's all too real......

Allison has been packing up her room and all of her stuff! This is making her getting married and leaving in 1 day all too real! As a mother I am very conflicted! I couldn't be happier for her and I could not be sadder at the same time! The most ironic thing about all this is I have for 10 years been wishing and dreaming of the day that one of my daughters would get married.....little did I know how lost I might feel in the process.....this might go back to the old saying of "be careful what you wish for"! And yet, I am totally so excited for this new family unit that she and John are creating as they get married, and can hardly wait to see what they will do and accomplish together because they are both such amazing people that I know it is going to be something to see!!!!!!


Cheree said...

Just think of all you'll be gaining! A congratulations is in order for you too!!

newsinaminute said...

nothing is more courageous than the smile of the mother--as she watches all this happiness play out of --her daughter --starting her own family--I've been there and you worded it so beautifully
you'll love having this son--and yet worried at the same time "that it will never be quite the same" well--in time I bet you find it will be even better--that is my wish for you--with love to the mother of a bride--to be-its in the right time the right place and to a wonderful guy and we can never take that for granite in this day and age--how blessed you are I bet your cup runneth over with joy and love and emotion for the wonderful daughter that she is-(from Lynda)