Sunday, October 3, 2010

Decorating for Halloween!

Friday afternoon after I was done at work and got my follow-up x-ray taken to see if my foot is healing (I will find out Monday what the Doctor has to say) I went home and pulled out boxes I haven't pulled out for a long time and was finally able to decorate my own house for Halloween! I didn't realize how much it would mean to me to be able to decorate something that was mine and have it look like my house!!!

My style has always been country and antiques and the house is starting to really shape up like that now that I am getting unpacked. Every time I unpack new boxes though, there is shorting out of my parents things and either given to my nephew or Good Will so it is a long process. Which is hard for me because I'm the type of person that has everything unpacked and put away in 1 week - no longer.....I can't stand living in disarray so I am very quick to get unpacked and have things on the wall. But because of needing to remove my mothers things every time I have to unpack it is a slow and sometimes emotional process! But good memories always! Just wish I had some siblings close by to help with the process sometimes that's all.

I have not put out all, but it definitely looks like Halloween is on its way and I know Aileen likes that it looks like we are celebrating holiday's again in our own home!!! yay!

most all of the decorations I have made, but the little block scare crow and witch my Mom made for me while I was living in Utah, far from home and she shipped them to me as a surprise package so those are special to me especially this year!

1 comment:

Anne Marie's Blog said...

Love your decorations Mom! Give Aileen, Dad, and You a big hug and kiss for me!

Have you found your photobooks yet? Lov eyou!