I made sure several weeks ahead of time that we would have a babysitter for Aileen so that we could have the day to ourselves! Saturday we were going to go to the Temple for our Ward Temple trip associated with our Ward Conference on Sunday, but due to the snow storms the electricity was out and the Temple was closed! We were really quite sad about that because we were going to be able to go together for the first time in a long time. But we decided not the waste the babysitter or the time together - even if it wasn't the perfect scenario of getting to go to the Temple and then out to dinner.
Alan and I got our Valentines gifts..... Alan a new hair cut......Lois a pedicure! Can you tell we have been married too long when we think that's a great Valentines day gift. (we had already had to buy 3 tires and were paying for a full day of babysitting....so that was the real gift!) Then we went to see the new movie out "Valentines Day" we enjoyed it very much.
Then my Dad called and asked if Alan and I wanted to go out to eat with he and Barbara! Which of course we would never turn down the opportunity to go out with them. And I had told Dad that if he really wanted to take Barbara somewhere nice, go to Bistro Louise! Not knowing that then he would invite us along as well.....I almost felt guilty about that..... almost! lol!
So, he had made reservations for Saturday, not knowing that on special Holiday's you only get to choose from a holiday menu and everyone pays the same etc.. etc.. I was a little disappointed because their Pecan Chicken is to die for....and that was not on the menu!
But we had a Valentines dinner of 4 courses and it was melt in your mouth delicious!!!! I got the pheasant, and the dessert was a special one that she only makes for Valentines day and it was out of this world! So it was wonderful. And I only choked a little when the check came and it was $75.00/person! But what they hey....you only live once right? And it was scrumptious!
Then after the dinner we went to another movie and saw "When in Rome" it was cute and we laughed and enjoyed it but between the two "Valentines Day" was the best!
And today (Sunday) our Ward Conference was great! But I'm exhausted now!