Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year Tradition......

For several years now I have been making Calendars for the new year with family photos and memories for the Brown Family. The main reason I got started making these calendars is because my mother always made them for our family The Clay's and we all loved them so much and would spend hours looking at and laughing at the photos that I thought it would be a good family tradition to start with the Browns. And they were a hit. Everyone waits for them to come and then loves looking at the pictures and laughing can't help but enjoy the memories. Well, I finally finished the Brown Calendar yesterday and was so excited to send it via Internet to the printers. Then all last night I had trouble sleeping and realized my mind was focus on the fact that no one would be making the Clay calendar this year. And in fact, we were all rather surprised that Mom didn't make one last it has been 2 yrs for the Clays and I really, really don't want this tradition to today I made the Clay calendar and it has been sent off to the printer as well and I can't wait to give them to everyone, because I know it will mean a great deal to my family to have this tradition continue on....even though Mom is gone!

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