Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 10 - Giving Challenge.....

I have a beloved friend/aunt who this week lost her best friend because she found out that my aunt had joined the Mormon Church! So I delivered a HUGE candybar (this is definately a time when Chocolate is the only thing that helps) and wrote her a note telling her that she was loved by many and that she had many friends!

Today, she told me that I had no idea how much that helped and meant to her!

I'm so glad! That is one of Satan's greatest tools - rejection from those we love and care most about when learning about and joining the only true church on the earth today! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
Love you Aunt Tootie!


Cheree said...

She lost a friend?! How sad!!! I wonder if there's something going on with her friend. . . You wonderful ladies are such great witnesses to your faith (one of the reasons I looked into Mormonism myself). However, even though I am not Mormon myself, I would never EVER turn away from a friendship with such wonderful people. I have a feeling something is going on with her friend. . . . Love and prayers to all 3 of you.

Lois Brown said...

Thanks Cheree - I have no doubt you would never turn your back on a friend! You are a woman of great integrity and I appreciate your friendship so much.

We all need to remember Christ's example and love everyone and know that we are all children of God!