Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend Day 2......

If you have already read Day 1, go back and read again, I added more pictures since I was finally able to download my camera to my computer!!!!

Day 2 was actually Thanksgiving day! Again, so grateful for so many blessings but this year especially grateful for new family.....and getting to go to their home for dinner and only being in charge of the 3 dishes and not the whole dinner!!!! Barbara's sister Beverly has a great home for entertaining and we were entertained and had awesome food as well!!! and it didn't hurt that there was a pool table and other things like the football game on big screen t.v.'s to keep things lively!!!

Tradition dictates that we go to the movie Thanksgiving afternoon after the dinner! I hate to admit this, but I am getting old......I was too tired and would rather go home and take a nap then go to the we sent John & Allison and the old parents and Aileen went home and took naps! John and Allison went to see "Harry Potter" they said it was awesome!!!

I am grateful for naps!

Oh yes, as always, we played cards!!!

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