Tonight at Relief Society was the last of the activities that I had originally planned on having when I was the 2nd Counselor in the RS Presidency......early last month I was released, but luckily the sister who was called as the new 2nd Counselor went ahead with the plans! This was a joint Qaurterly Activity with the Young Women in our Ward. Tonight was about helping the YW to do one of their personal progress activities under "Good Works".....but to also challenge us as RS sisters to give service for 14 days as well and write about it in our journals/blogs (if you are me). We had a wonderful presentation talking about the principles of Service with the Scriptures that are needed to be read for personal progress and then we had several activities to choose from tonight to start our 14 day challenge. The biggest one was making PB&J sandwiches to take to the Mission on Lancaster street downtown Ft. Worth to feed the homeless! I loved going to the store to buy the things I signed up for and I loved the making of over 200 sandwiches to feed the homeless! It was a fun time working side by side women that I admire and love and the fun time we had visiting, laughing and just enjoying the feeling of doing something for someone else. Many of the YW made cute cards and wrote letters to people to tell them that they were appreciated. And some of the women cut, glued, copied etc.... things to help teachers with visual aids and activities for the children to teach their Special Ed Classes. It was a great night!!!! Laura Brackney, RS 2nd Counselor, and Linda Davila the very very new RS Meeting Coordinator did a great job with very little time to actually pull it all together and make it their own!!!! But they did it!!!
Tomorrow morning Mary Ann Stephens and I are going to the mission to deliver the sandwiches before going to work. I probably could count that as my 2nd day of giving......but I think I would like to try and do something different......hmmmmm I will have to start planning and hope for inspiration!
But my 1st day of my 14-Day of Giving Challenge was awesome!!!! What a great experience.
The idea for the 14 Days of Giving Challenge was from the Previous RS President who did a 29 day Giving Challenge and then wrote about her experiences on her blog
(B and K blog). And from our Ward Conference earlier this year where the Stake President asked "What is the RS doing to help the YW earn their Personal Progress?" So I said, "O.k., Let's do it"!