Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I love new jewelry

I love new jewelry, especially this jewelry!  For our evening RS meeting last month Becky Wangler taught all of us how to make a "Tree of Life" necklace with all of your families birthstones on it.  I loved how mine turned out so much that I made one for Allison with her cute little family represented in her own necklace, not sure if she would like it or not....but she did so I'm happy.

And I really loved that I was able to wear my "Tree of Life" necklace on the day that Charlotte was blessed.  It was a fitting representation of the way that life just keeps growing and we just keep getting more and more blessing and more and more happiness in this life!  It really does all come full circle.....I remember when Allison was the one being blessed, and now its Allison's daughter!  I'm not sure I could have even imagined when she was little just how amazing this day would be!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are looking so good Lois!!