Tuesday, May 10, 2011

a little Harley-Davidson commercial....

Elizabeth's bike with all the upgrades that Art has put on it

My sister Elizabeth, and brother-in-law Art, have both recently gotten new Harley-Davidson's and if you know anything about these two, they go all the way on anything they do...they do it right! So they've been adding, adjusting, buying etc.. all kinds of HD stuff! This last Saturday they had gone to the dealership for something (knowing Elizabeth new clothes and gear) and coming out of the store the dealership asked if they could tape them for a commercial getting onto their bikes, putting on their gear, and riding off the lot....... so they did and it should air during the show "Son's of Anarchy" (never watched it in my life) but it would be fun if they actually were in the commercial.....because like my brother-in-law says, who knows how many people they have taped. But still really exciting!!!

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