Friday, December 28, 2012

The Dean and Barbara Clay family - Christmas 2012

The Dean and Barbara Clay Family
Missing: Jimmie & Kristen Winslow, Kori Winslow, and Katy Winslow
Mandi Eldrige, Kaity Eldridge, Landin Eldrige, and Emilin Eldgridge

Here we added in everyone that was there Christmas Eve
Debbie Zelenskie, Taylor Zelenske, and Lauren Zelenske

All the Children:
L to R: Lois, George, Elizabeth, David, Kim, Chris, Edward, and Ruth

Chris Eldridge and Ashley Jenkins.

David Eldridge with all the Eldridge's that were here this night.

George Clay, Logan and Tytan.

Elizabeth Lundwall, who is Logan & Tytan's Aunt
but is helping George as a single father and is basically their
surrogate mother!  Elizabeth's husband Art was there but
does not take pictures!!  We love him anyway!

Edward Clay with Samantha and Jill with their dog Lily!

Kim Burrough with Andy, JP, Caleb, and Valeree.

Ruth Hauser with John and Sarah.

Lois Brown with Alan, Anne Marie, Aileen, Allison and John Rex
and I'm going to be a Grandma soon!! Yay!
Aunt Tootie (Barbar's Sister Debbie) with Taylor and Lauren.

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