I have been looking forward to getting to go to Time Out For Women for a long time and it lived up to everything that I hoped it would be!! It was made better by getting to go with good friends, one new and one longtime friend, and meeting up with other friends that have moved away, and one very kind of unique friendship that was formed only through blogging!! The speakers were incredible, their messages very spiritual and uplifting. The music beautiful and I definitely left there with my bucket refilled and with me ready to face this world of trial, learning, growing and experience again with a feeling of peace, joy, and the attitude of "I can do it!" Today was Sunday and I definitely noticed my rejuvenation in presenting my Sunday School lesson.....not that I did anything special, but just a feeling of happiness while doing my calling and serving my Heavenly Father and Savior!! I'd say that TOFW hit its goal!! The only thing that would have made it better is if Allison could have been with me! We've never been able to attend one of these things together and we talked about it being this year....but with Charlotte still nursing and old enough that sitting still is really not an option, Allison figured it would probably be too stressful and she wouldn't really be able to enjoy it and get anything useful out of it.....and she is probably right, but next year......I have a dream.
It's a dream that reminds me of the first time I went to TOFW with my mother when we first moved to Ft. Worth! It was amazing as well and made all the more special because I was there with my Mom and sister. These are the memories that last a lifetime especially now that my Mom is gone. They are all the more precious and I'm so glad that we did things like this together!!
It's also a dream that reminds me of going with my Sister Elizabeth after our mother was gone from this life, or the year that Barbara Mom, Elizabeth, Aunt Tootie (Barbara's sister), and I were all there together and I will keep dreaming that someday my girls and I will be able to be together at TOFW and have that special memory and bonding time together!!
We went to dinner at "The Oliver Garden" Friday night before TOFW |
Larissa Updike, MaryAnn Stephens, and Me!! Larissa is a new friend
that I am really enjoying getting to know better and has already added so much
to our Ward and my life! MaryAnn is my rock, my friend that I have gotten to
experience so many things with - important things - things that have changed me
for the better!! |
Cathy Hunter who was my Seminary Supervisor when I taught
Seminary and who use to be in our Ward
until she moved and I still miss her
Sarah K, my blogging friend!! We know all about each other and our
families just because we blog!! Who knew you could build lasting
friendships that way.....but you can!! |
Rosa Tillman - Alan was Bishop Tillman's 2nd Counselor and
then his 1st Counselor and bonus....then Rosa and I became better friends!!
But they dared to move out of our Ward - I know it was good for their family
but really sad for us!! |
Janice Keener, our children where teenagers and friends together, I taught her children in
Seminary, and they were probably the first to start this trend of moving
out of the Ward. But she has been there are for all the important things!!
And thank heavens for Facebook and being able to keep up with each other!!
When I got home that night, Allison had come over to relieve the respite care giver for Aileen and so I got the extra fun surprise of Charlotte being at my house and in my bed with her Mom trying to get her to go back to sleep which was totally useless once I came home.....ooops! Sorry!....but how fun!!!
No, I didn't get her all excited and up or anything........ ;-) (she says tongue in cheek because that is exactly what I did)