Friday, October 25, 2013

Ooops Taxes!!

How does that old saying go....there is nothing sure in life except death and taxes!!  Well, we filed an extension this year and then almost forgot to do them....ooops is right!  October 15, is the deadline for an extension and I had forgotten that little detail until Dad and Barbara came into the Doctor's office I work at because Dad had an appointment.  They were talking about how they had just sent off there taxes because they had filed an extension!  I smiled and said "we got an extension too", to which Barbara said, "they are due today, you know, right?"    Oh, I went straight home from work, got them done with a little help from my Dad and got them to the post office in time, so that they would be post marked October 15, 2013!!!  Yeesh!  I'm glad my Dad had a Doctors appointment that day, or where would I be????

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