Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wednesday's with Charlotte.....

Instead of "Tuesday's with Morrie" I should write a book entitled "Wednesday's with Charlotte" it would be a page turner!!

Usually I go to Charlotte's to play on Wednesday afternoons, but this week the City was coming to certify that our new Air Conditioning Unit had been installed to code!!  So I brought Allison and Charlotte to my house so that they could get out, Allison could have a little bit of a break, and so that I would not miss my time playing with Charlotte!!

She was too cute as always.....and she really liked this picture book I made of her it was kind of funny to see her reaction to reading and looking at the pictures of that book!!!

Oh, fun, here is grandma's stash of books....

Hey, look there's a book about me.....

I wonder if it tastes good.......

Now grandma is reading it to me.....

It's a real page turner.....

I would like to just jump off this bed.....
but my mom won't let me, even though
I am very determined....

O.k, I'll just stand here and look cute for

Love having my girls around!!  Wish some of them were closer (yes, that's you Anne Marie), wish some of them were not at Day Care (yes, that's you Aileen) but I understand!!  I just hope they all know how much I love them!!

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