O.K. I never do tags! I mean never....but since it was Ashley I am going to do it. Only for you my dear friend would I bear all my flaws out there for all to see. And I definitely believe that honesty is not always the best policy.....but here I go anyway! I am suppose to tell 10 brutally honest things about myself that others might not know:
1. I am a hairy girl. Scary right? When I was younger I didn't think this was so bad, but as I have gotten older, gone through a hysterectomy and menopause....I worry about facial hair. I use to go get waxed all the time when I could afford to....not knowing that once you start something like that you must continue. I worry about having dark hair mustaches and beards....are you grossed out yet? I use
Nair on my face now instead of waxing....the only danger with that is I sometimes chemically burn my face....but then the hair just stays away longer...funny! Who cares if I can't feel my face and it burns for a couple of days...its all in the name of beauty right?
2. I wear "rose colored glasses" I am accused of this as if this is a bad thing. I really do see only the good in people and believe what they tell me.....the down side is that sometimes I am set up for a big let down, when i find out that i haven't been told the truth or someone does something to hurt someone else that I would never believe that they could be capable of. I've asked Alan, is my radar really that off....do I not have the gift of discernment? And Alan says, "sweetie, you always want to see the best in everyone, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact that is a wonderful way to be" Don't you just love that man of mine! I know I do.
3. I love very easily. I form a bond to family, friends, people in my ward, work etc... very quickly and am actually one of those people who say "I love you" and mean it. Hard for some to believe I mean it. And hard on me when I realize that not everyone feels that same emotion back to me. But I can watch someone do something wonderful and not even know them and feel genuine love for that person.... This also has benefited me as a teacher of teenagers in Seminary, in primary, and Relief Society.....which leads me to my next truth....
4. I never give a compliment or say something I admire about someone that is not the truth....so I am not false. Some people go "oh come on....you don't even know me" but if I have said it, it is sincere. Which means sometimes my compliments are rejected and people think I'm being all sappy.....and I guess I might be....but it is a honest compliment or I don't give it....I never try to be mean, or hurtful.... but I would say something else that would be a truth if it was not a truth.
5. I am very insecure. Some of you, who know me well, know I struggle with this, but most of you probably would not guess this about me. I know I have talents. And I know I have certain gifts. And I have had times in my life where I have felt confident and felt my worth. But most of the time I really have to pray to remember who I am. I know that sometimes when I have sang in church, or given a talk, or a workshop for Youth Conference, Relief Society etc....I know that it went well.....I mean honestly I think we all know when we have done well, added to the spirit, or felt the holy ghost....but when no one comes up to tell me how good I did singing, or that the lesson was awesome etc...I wonder. I have since decided, it is because everyone assumes that I know I'm good. Well, I am (j/k) but I still want someone to tell me. I would say this is my greatest stumbling block.....I think this is something like PRIDE!!!
6. I love everything about being a mother! My children are my greatest source of joy! But I also have to say....it is also hard at times, especially with a disabled child. I remember when I was first married saying...."oh, I could never handle having a handicapped child". And after 23 years of changing diapers, feeding someone who can't feed themselves, bathing and dressing them and having to wash bedding every single day....sometimes 3 times a day....it is hard. But I am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent her to me, and to our family, because we do love her and we do take care of her and try to make her life here on earth as comfortable and productive as possible.
7. This one is very embarrassing for me to admit. Whenever I have taught primary, it has been to be the teacher of a class with a handicapped child in it. My first reaction (this is the embarrassing part) is "Don't they realize I need a break?" then I quickly repent and realize that not everyone knows how to work with these children. And then I am their teacher and fall in love with them so quickly....and mean it....and then I am embarrassed that I even had that feeling for a moment!
8. I do not care anymore about things that use to matter, like make-up, hair-do's, shaving my legs. I remember when I was younger I never left the house without being totally put together....ha! Those days are gone, I do at least brush my hair....and on special occasions I do put on make-up, but really with Aileen, I'm just glad I'm dressed and presentable and on time where I am suppose to be... If my husband complained, I would be better at this, but amazingly he thinks I'm beautiful anyway......in the next life...I'll be put together!
9. I have been known to wear the same clothes for 3 days...without ever taking them off!!!! I know hard to believe! Usually this is because I have been up without going to bed for said same amount of time and haven't taken time to stop and sleep, shower, and get into new clothes. Now that I am working again....this no longer happens! But I am the kind of person that once I get dressed in the morning...that is it for the day....I don't go home and change into something more casual or more comfortable etc....who has time for that?
10. Whew, this has been brutal, I'm so glad I am to my last one.... I love teaching early morning seminary. Did it for 7 years! I miss getting up and being with those wonderful teenagers every day! I miss the forced scripture study and knowledge I had to have while doing it. I miss the blessings that came to my family while I was serving in that capacity. Oh, it was hard, and it was pretty much all I did other than take care of my family and work part time....but it was AWESOME!
O.K., so now the game says that I have to tag 6 others.....I don't know if I can tag, because so few people actually read my blog, I don't want them to stop!!!! I need all the blogging friends I can get....so I will not be offended if the following people do not do this tag.
I tag - nope, can't do it! I appreciate all who visit my blog and make comments in fact I live for it! Love you all!