Monday, February 9, 2009

Shipped off my Valentines.....

Today I shipped off my Valentines gifts to my girls who are away at college! Aileen always likes to go shopping with me and help pick out the things we send! And sending gift baskets or boxes for each holiday is a tradition that brings me a lot of joy to keep doing! This year I fell in love with the children's book "The Kissing Hand" talked about it in an earlier post. Each daughter received one of those along with other fun silly things and candy!

I also, used "The Kissing Hand" in primary to celebrate Valentines day with my class and the lesson was on after reading the book I told them that when we pray to Heavenly Father that it is the same as him kissing our hand. That when we pray we can feel safe and secure and know that he is protecting us! The book had little stickers to stick in their hands and even the boys wanted the fun! Then of course I gave them a cute valentine bag of candy as it all tied in.

My only regret is that I didn't have this book before my girls left at Christmas time to go back to school so that I could have literally kissed their hands instead of figuratively....but I'll be sure to take care of that the next time I see them! I love this book! I need to learn how to link to my other post so you could click to it easily to see what the book looks like....oh well...I'm learning a little at a time!

I can't wait to hear how the girls like everything! I Love my baby girls for always!


Simply Sarah *K* said...

You are on top of things!! I have this whole craft I want to do to send to family members...but its not gonna get done in time, unfortunately!! :(.

Ashley said...

How sweet! I am doing my Vday shopping tomorrow, hope there's good stuff left!

Kim said...

What a wonderful thing to do. I'm sure your girls will love it.

Unknown said...

Awe, you are such a good mom.

Cheree said...

That is so sweet! :-)

Zepp Family said...

Ah, how I loved receiving care (or should I say "love" package in this instance?) packages as a college student. What a great Mom you are, and an equally fun and effective primary teacher :)

Anonymous said...

it was the hardest thing ever seeing him in the hospital! i just told my husband that everytime he lays in my arms and sleeps it just bring tears to my eyes cause i never thought i could love somebody so much after just meeting them 2 weeks ago! but nobody could have ever explained to me the feeling you get when you become a mom! its just amazing! and i can't wait til i can bring him to church and show you cute little lucas!